We all deserve a ‘hype-man!’

We all deserve a ‘hype-man!’

I’m a work-in-progress-software developer. Noob much already? I know ~ but what’s wrong with it right? We are all here to learn. Looking back at my 10-year career I’ve taken dips in different domains. Data entry, content writing, digital marketing, content management, and now an SE. What took me here? Luck? maybe a bit of it….but also the positive attitude and a lot of extra work.

But was that enough for me? hmm, not really. I lost my discipline to keep going. Motivation is important but it’s a temporary rush ~ discipline and consistency are what’s key. Fortunately, I met amazing people along the way who wanted to see others succeed and do well. In a world where we see many who want to see others fail, it is a blessing to have a ‘hype-man’ in your life. I’ve had a bunch of them — who carried me up when I felt demotivated and made me push myself even more. When I doubted myself I had that pat on the back to remind me that it’s okay to make slow progress. When I made mistakes I had them to correct me and help me pave the way forward.

But then It would be all a waste if I don’t enjoy what I’m doing right? Well, Im loving it. It’s important to be happy with what you are doing. Im starting to explore more in this domain and put even more effort into learning from others and by myself.

I once had a fear of working in this field, and always felt like I wasn’t good enough to be an SE. Thought I wouldn’t be able to sustain. I was scared I might end up looking dumb around the seniors, juniors, the web community and the list goes on. But two years later I can confidently say that Im in a state to take up anything with the “can-do” attitude and work on stuff. I’m willing to accept challenges and improve on myself whilst also helping the others around me in ways I can.

Why am I sharing all this? This self-reflection post of mine could ignite a little fire in someone who may be doubting themselves, this could turn into the little push or pat on the back they wanted to keep going, or this also could be a ‘hype-man’ for them so they could take the first step for change.

and lastly, this is me taking that first step to fight the fear of being vulnerable! 🔥